Namsay Choeling Resort

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_tta_tabs style=”modern” active_section=”1″][vc_tta_section title=”About Bhutan” tab_id=”1581655568360-263e6e67-a203″][vc_column_text]It was only after the arrival of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel, a spiritual leader, in 1616 that the country was unified and the foundations for the governance and identity for the people instituted.

Wangchuck Dynasty was born in 1907 when the people of Bhutan unanimously crowned Gongser Ugyen Wangchuck as the first hereditary King of Bhutan. King Jigme Wangchuck succeeded him as the second King. King Jigme Dorji Wangchuck was the third king and when he passed away in 1972, his 17 year-old son was deemed too young to be immediately crowned. But two years later in 1974, His Majesty Jigme Sengye Wangchuck became the fourth King of Bhutan the then  youngest monarch in the world.

After 34 years of his successful reign, in 2006 His Majesty abdicated the Golden Throne in favour of his son, His Majesty Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck.


Where is Bhtuan?

BHUTAN, the Land of The Thunder Dragon, is located between India and China. It is a small Himalayan Kingdom with rich natural resources and unique culture. Bhutan is a natural paradise with 71 percent of its total land under forest coverage with variety of flora and fauna.

The musical flow of streams, beautiful scenes, and kind and compassionated local people make anyone from around the world to choose Bhutan as the best destiny to travel.

The development philosophy of Bhutan is Gross National Happiness (GNH) which attempts to value ecological, cultural, spiritual well-being, and environmental conservation above economic activities.

About 60 percent of the people live in villages and depend on agriculture for livelihood.

The country has always been very conscious of its cultural heritage and it is evident from the fact that it introduced television and internet only in 1999.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”National Symbols” tab_id=”1581655568362-72662320-4e18″][vc_column_text]National Emblem

The National Emblem is a circle that projects a double diamond thunderbolt placed above the lotus. There is a jewel on all sides with two dragons on vertical sides.

The thunderbolts represent the harmony between secular and religious power while the lotus symbolizes purity. The jewel signifies the sovereign power while the dragons (male and female) stand for the name of the country, Druk Yul or the Land of the Dragon.

National Flag

The National flag is rectangle in shape and is divided into two parts diagonally. The upper yellow half signifies the secular power and authority of the king while the lower saffron-orange symbolizes the practice of religion and power of Buddhism, as manifested in the tradition of the Drukpa Kagyu sect of Buddhism.

The dragon signifies the name and the purity of the country while the jewels in its claws stand for the wealth and perfection of the country.

National Flower

The National flower, Blue Poppy (meconopsis Gakyidiana). It is delicate blue or purple tinged blossom with a white filament. It grows to a height of 1 meter, on the rocky mountain terrains above the tree line of 3,500-4,500 meters. It was discovered in 1933 by a British Botanist, George Sherriff, in a remote part of Sakteng in eastern Bhutan.

National Bird

The National bird is Raven. It ornaments the Royal Crown. Raven represents Gonpo Jarodongchen (Raven Headed Mahakala), one of the chief guardian deities of Bhutan.

National Animal

The National animal is Takin (burdorcas taxicolor). It is associated with religious history and mythology. It is a very rare mammal with a thick neck and short muscular legs. It lives in groups and is found in places above 4,000 meters high on the north-western and far north eastern parts of the country. They feed on bamboos. The adult Takin can weigh over 200 kgs.

National Language

Bhutan is a multilingual society. Today, about 19 languages and dialects are spoken across the country. Dzongkha is the National Language, which in the olden times was the spoken language for people who worked in the Dzongs which are fortresses used as the seat of temporal and spiritual power.

National Day

17th December is celebrated as the National Day coinciding  with the crowning ceremony of the first King Ugyen Wangchuck in 1907. It is a National holiday and all Bhutanese celebrate the day with pomp and festivity throughout the country.

National Tree

The National tree is cypress (Cupressus torolusa). Cypresses are found in abundance and one may notice big cypresses near temples and monasteries. Cypress is found in the temperate    zone, between 1,800 and 3,500 meters above the sea level. Its capacity to survive on rugged harsh terrain is compared to bravery and simplicity.

National Sport

Archery is the national sport of Bhutan. It is the most popular sport played all across the country. There are two targets placed at a distance of 145 meters and a player from a team will shoot from one end of the field to the other. Each player will get to shoot two arrows per round.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Culture & People” tab_id=”1581655700834-236fe9cd-f17e”][vc_column_text]Culture

Bhutan has a rich and unique cultural heritage that has largely remained intact because of its isolation from the rest of the world until the early 1960s. The main attraction for tourists is the country’s culture and tradition. Bhutanese tradition is deeply rooted in Buddhist heritage.


The Bhutanese people are predominantly comprised of three main ethnic groups: Ngalops in the west, Sharchops in the east and the Lhotshampas in southern Bhutan. No matter how simple rural lives are, Bhutanese people are kind hosts and welcome all visitors with genuine smile.

No smoking

Smoking and sale of tobacco products are controlled by the law of Bhutan. Fines are imposed to the offenders and selling tobacco products can result to an imprisonment. So,  it is wise to be aware of the rules.

 Formal dress

Laws enforce  wearing national dress for Bhutanese (Gho for men and Kira for women) on all formal occasions and while visiting government offices, temples, dzongs (fortress), monasteries etc.

For tourist, full attire of own discipline is required when you enter dzongs and government offices. If you are anywhere near national flag of Bhutan, you should remove your caps or hats. With specification, you may require to remove your footwear when you enter a holy place or temple.


Driving your own vehicle into Bhutan is not allowed without driving permit granted by Royal Government of Bhutan at Phuentsholing.

To drive Bhutan registered vehicle you need either a Bhutanese driving license or international driving license. One cannot drive with the license provided by ones own country.

Unless necessary, to horn must be reduced in the specific areas. Bhutan is only a country in the world without traffic lights. The traffic in the main town is controlled manually by a policeman standing at the centre of the four-way junction.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Getting into Bhutan” tab_id=”1581655838638-47599472-0e61″][vc_column_text]Located at height of 2,235 metres above the sea level and surrounded by mountains, it is an hour drive from the capital city, Thimphu. Until Bhutan Airlines started in October 2013, Drukair, the country’s national airline was only the carrier in Bhutan. The airliners in the country have flight connections to Bangkok (Thailand), (Singapore), Delhi and Kolkata (India), Kathmandu (Nepal) and Dhaka (Bangladesh). One can contact any travel agents in the country for flight arrangement.

Apart from flying into the country, one can also enter the country by road through any of the three entry points of Samdrup Jongkhar in south-east Bhutan, Gelephu in South-central Bhutan, and Phuentsholing in south-west Bhutan.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_tabs][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][/vc_column][/vc_row]